Institute of Banking Personnel Selection released IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 has published an official notification and invites applications from eligible & Qualified Candidates. IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 for Specialist Officer (CRP SPL-XI) total 1828 posts.
IBPS SO Notification 2021 related More Details like total posts, important dates, age limit, application fee, pay structure, education qualification, and how to apply are given below. IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Eligible and interested Students can read the eligibility criteria of this post and apply before the last date of application.
Apply online Link and Official Notification link is the end of this post. ????

Table of Contents
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021- Institute of Banking Personnel Selection | Government Banks Officer Bharti
Name of Organization | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection |
Name of Employment | Banking Jobs |
Advertisement No. | Specialist Officer (CRP SPL-Xi) Vacancies 2021 |
Post Name | IBPS Specialist Officer (CRP SPL-XI) |
Total Vacancy | 1828 |
Job Location | All Over India |
Mode Of Application | Online |
Click on the IBPS SO notification link below to get more information about the details of this vacancy.
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Important Dates
Opening date for applying online | 03/11/2021 |
Closing date for applying online | 23/11/2021 |
Opening date of pay application fee online | 03/11/2021 |
Closing date of pay application fee online | 23/11/2021 |
Last date for printing your Application | 23/11/2021 |
The download of admit cards of Preliminary Examination | December 2021 |
Preliminary Examination Date | 26/12/2021 |
Preliminary Exam Result | January 2022 |
The download of admit cards of Main Examination | January 2022 |
Main Examination Date | 30/01/2022 |
Declaration of Result – Main Date | February 2022 |
The download of call letters for interview Date | February 2022 |
Conduct of interview | February/March 2022 |
Allotment of Provisional List | April 2022 |
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Participates Banks Name:
Bank of Baroda | Indian Overseas Bank |
Canara Bank | UCO Bank |
Bank of India | Central Bank of India |
Punjab National Bank | Union Bank of India |
Bank of Maharashtra | Indian Bank |
Punjab & Sind Bank |
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Vacancies in bank or PO
Sl No | Post Name | Total |
1 | I.T. Officer (Scale-I) | 220 |
2 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | 884 |
3 | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) | 84 |
4 | Law Officer (Scale I) | 44 |
5 | HR/ Personnel Officer (Scale I) | 61 |
6 | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | 535 |
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Eligible Criteria
Education Qualification
Sl No | Post Name | Qualification |
1 | I.T. Officer (Scale I) | Degree (Engg)/ PG (Relevant Discipline)/ DOEACC |
2 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | Degree (Relevant Discipline) |
3 | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) | PG (Hindi/ Sanskrit with English) |
4 | Law Officer (Scale I) | LLB |
5 | HR/ Personnel Officer (Scale I) | Any Degree, PG Degree/ Diploma ( Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law) |
6 | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | Any Degree with MMS/ MBA/ PGDBA/ PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM (Marketing) |
Computer Literacy: Management and working knowledge in computer systems are mandatory i.e. candidates should have a certificate/diploma/degree in computer operation/language /have studied information technology/computer as a subject in high school/institution/college.
Candidate must be either –
- A citizen of India Country or
- the subject of Bhutan or
- Subject of Nepal or
- A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1/1/1962 with the intention of settling permanently in India Or
- A person of Indian descent, who has migrated from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Burma, East African countries Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Ethiopia, Malawi, Zaire, and Vietnam With the intention of settling permanently in over India, it is provided that the candidate categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and
- The above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the indian government.
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Age Limit:
Lower Age Limit | 20 years |
Upper Age Limit | 30 years |
Age limit as of date 01/11/2021.
Age Concessions/Relaxation apply by government regulations. OBC / EWS Category Candidates 03 Years Relaxation, SC & ST Category Candidates 05 Years Relaxation, PWD Category Candidates 10 Years.
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 Application Fee:
Category | Fee |
General, OBC, and EWS | Rs. 850/- |
SC, ST, PWD, EXSM | Rs. 175/- |
Application fee payment mode:
Fees will have to be paid through bank transaction charge, for payment of online application fee/intimation charge Candidate
Candidates have the option to pay the required fee/intimation charge through fees online mode Only: Payment of fee/intimation charge through Credit Card, Debit Card s (RuPay/MasterCard/Visa/Maestro), Net Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets, etc. online mode.
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IBPS SO Salary Per Month 2021 | Salary Structure of IBPS PO:
Details Particulars | Details |
Gross Salary | Rs.38000-Rs.39000 |
IBPS SO 2021 Pay Scales | 23, 700 – 980/ 7 – 30,560 – 1,145/ 2 – 32,850 – 1,310/ 7 – 42,020 |
Dearness Allowance associated with IBPS SO salary 202 | 36% of Basic Pay |
City Compensatory Allowance | 3%-4% depending on the place of posting |
House Rent Allowance as per IBPS SO 2021 Salary | 7%-9% depends on the place posted |
Post | In-Hand Salary (Payscale 1) | In-Hand Salary (Pay Scale 2) |
It Officer (Scale -I) | Rs. 24000- Rs.32000 | Rs. 34000- Rs. 40000 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale -I) | Rs. 24000- Rs.32000 | Rs. 34000- Rs. 40000 |
Agriculture Officer (Scale -I) | Rs. 24000- Rs.32000 | Rs. 34000- Rs. 40000 |
HR Officer (Scale -I) | Rs. 24000- Rs.32000 | Rs. 34000- Rs. 40000 |
Law Officer (Scale -I) | Rs. 24000- Rs.32000 | Rs. 34000- Rs. 40000 |
Marketing Officer (Scale -I) | Rs. 24000- Rs.32000 | Rs. 34000- Rs. 40000 |
The IBPS SO recruitment Post’s salary is the sum of basic salary and other allowances like HRA (House Rent Allowance and Dairy Allowances etc.).
IBPS SO Selection Process 2021:
The Selection Process will be based on
IBPS SO Prelims Pattern
For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari
No | Tests Names | Maxi. Marks | Total Questions Number | Timing |
1 | English Language | 25 | 50 | 40 minutes |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
3 | General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
Total | 125 | 150 | 120 minutes |
For the Post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer
No | Tests Names | Maxi. Marks | Total Questions Number | Timing |
1 | English Language | 25 | 50 | 40 minutes |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
Total | 125 | 150 | 120 minutes |
Candidates will have to qualify in each of the three tests by getting cut-off marks to be determined by IBPS. A sufficient number of applicants in every class as controlled by IBPS dependent on prerequisites Shortlisting for Main Online Main Exam.
IBPS SO Main Pattern
For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari
No | Tests Names | Maxi. Marks | Total Questions Number | Timing |
1 | Professional Knowledge (Objective) | 60 | 45 | 30 minutes |
2 | Professional Knowledge (Descriptive) | “ | 2 | 30 minutes |
Total | 60 | 47 | 60 minutes |
For the Post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer
No | Tests Names | Maxi. Marks | Total Questions Number | Timing |
1 | Professional Knowledge | 60 | 60 | 45 minutes |
Total | 60 | 60 | 45 minutes |
English language descriptive paper (letter writing and essay) can be evaluated by automatic scoring A method for identifying features related to writing skills.
This scoring mechanism is properly validated and Assesses the proficiency of the examinees in writing in English purposefully as there is no mechanism There is no internal bias to evaluate responses.
IBPS SO Interview
Candidates shortlisted in the online main exam for CRP SPL-XI later Participating banks are called for interviews and coordination in each by the nodal bank State / UT using IBPS. Interviews will be conducted at selected centers.
Center, place address, The time and date of the interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required To download their interview call letter from the official IBPS website
Please note that any request Changes in interview date, center, etc. will not be considered. However, the governing agencies reserve The right to change the date/place/time/center, etc. of the interview or to have a supplementary process for a specific date / Session / Venue / Center / Group of Candidates at its discretion, in unforeseen circumstances, if any. The total marks allotted for the interview is 100 40% (35% for SC / ST / OBC / PWBD candidates).
There will be weight (ratio) of the online main exam and interview Will be 80:20 respectively. The combined final score of the candidates will be based on the score obtained By candidates in CRP SPL-XI and online main examination of interview.
No interview score Candidates who have failed to get minimum qualifying marks or are otherwise barred from the interview or further process Will not be disclosed. The candidate should be qualified in both the online main examination and interview and should be sufficiently high in merit. Shortlists will be made for the subsequent provisional allocation process, details of which will be made available Then on the official IBPS website.
IBPS SO Provisional Allotment
Following the completion of the interview process, based on the business requirements of the participating banks and the vacancies to be filled during the financial year 2022-23 as per IBPS, Shortlisted candidates on merit-cum-preference basis will be temporarily allotted from the participating banks keeping in view the spirit of the government.
✅ Central Government Jobs ✅ State Government Jobs
IBPS SO Recruitment 2021 How to Apply:
Before applying, competitors should utilize the guidance cautiously and ensure that all their qualification rules are impermanent to guarantee that they are satisfied and maybe checked if they are shortlisted for Choice.
Candidates can apply online only from 03.11.2021 to 23.11.2021 and no other application mode will be accepted.
Register Before enrolling/applying on the web, competitors are encouraged to go through definite directions identified with the application cycle. While applying on the web, the competitor ought to have the accompanying close by:
- Valid mobile no and email ID.
- Scanned copy of self certified recent passport size color photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm) of candidate with white background (.JPEG / .JPG / .BMP format size up to 50 KB)
- Scanned copy of signature
- Scaneed Left thumb impression
- Hand Written Declairation:
“I, ________________________ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
Candidates first need to go to the IBPS website and click on home page
Open the link “CRP SPL-XI” and then “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR SPECIALIST OFFICER (CRP SPL-XI)” to open the online application form “.
Then Candidates have to click on “Click here for New Registration“
Application After submitting the online application, the candidate is required to download the application form created by the system along with the unique registration number. The candidate should place his signature in the space provided and keep the form with him for future reference.

Dear candidates, before you apply for this form, please read the instruction and notification carefully.
IBPS SO Notification 2021 PDF
IBPS PO Recruitment 2021 Important Links:
???? Official Website???? | ???? Click Here |
???? Official Notification ???? | ???? Download Here |
???? Apply Online ???? | ???? Registration | ???? Login |
???? Join WhatsApp Group ???? | ???? Click Here |
Useful & Important Notes:
Carefully read all the important notifications of the recruitment and notice for this job post. You can directly access the recruitment PDF file and please comment below for any help. We shall furnish you with better service at if you get free job alerts on your mobile every day then join our WhatsApp group.